ELC Art - Where we are in place and time


In this unit we continued to reinforce our knowledge of colors and built upon 

our blossoming fine motor skills.

We are continuing learning to mix our primary colors to make secondary colors 

through song and practical applications.

To hone our fine motor skills we have been doing a range of projects.

From cutting and gluing on an uneven surface to make crazy art.

 We also helped to make decorations for the International Children's Festival of our chosen country Senegal!


In this unit we were exploring how plants grow, habitats of animals and life cycles in the main class.

In our art lessons we created our own crazy plants and animals.

We used paint, colored pencils and crayons to help us hone our fine motor skills but coloring between the lines of different projects.

In our lessons we have also been learning about the different kind of lines we can use to create different things, such as vertical, curved, thick and thin lines!

We seem to have mastered our primary colors and how we use them to make secondary colors.

For the International Children's Festival we made our own moose by tracing around our hands as well as making Canadian first nation Inuksuk out of playdough!


In our unit we have mastered our knowledge of the primary and secondary colors and what colors we mix to create them! 

We improved our fine motor skills by learning about different kinds of line and how we can use them to create amazing artworks.

For International Children's Festival we used our fine motor skills and color knowledge to recreate the Bhutan flag but also adding texture while working in a team to follow directions!

It was a difficult task but we all did amazingly well!

Next Unit

In our next unit we will all be doing 'Sharing the planet' and I cannot wait to show you all the wonderful projects that we will be creating!


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