“Children are naturally creative, it is our job to give them the freedom, materials and space to let their creativity blossom to its full potential.”

Welcome, just to let you all know we have a new blog. 

We would be very happy if you could take a look :)

All grades worked on different art projects throughout Term 3 this year. 

They came with a fantastic range of projects, showing their skills in different art techniques like drawing, painting, ink painting and crafts.

                 Following are some examples of their projects completed for this last term.🎨

                                                    Grade 6- ART 

Grade 6 students discovered different Art movements this term, they explored artworks from different art styles and eras.

What is an art movement?

An art movement is generally defined when a group of artists during a specific time tend to adapt a particular style with a common goal or philosophy. Art movements through history show us the new techniques, materials and methods that artists used at a moment in time and sometimes even give us a glimpse into the zeitgeist in that period.

Students they could explore more: Impressionism, pop art, abstract modern art...

Following are some examples of their works completed for this term.



                                                                     Grade 5-Art

Learning goal: Media and effect of media in development of students. ြ

Media and Art: one only relationship. In other words, the greatest difference between art and multimedia is found in the medium involved, that is, the used instrument the role of an “artistic medium.”

Following are some examples of their works completed for their project this last term.


                                                                 Grade 4- ART

Learning goal: Cubism and collage art

Why is it important to learn about Cubism?(Students will learn about the work of Pablo Picasso)
Cubism remains one of the most influential art movements known. It changed a wide range of ideas as far as art was concerned in the 1910s and 1920s. It also allowed for the development of abstract modern art movements. It defied the rules of art and turned out to be one of the greatest breaks in art history.
Following are some examples of their works completed for their project this last term..

                                                                    Grade 3- ART

Grade 3 students did a great project this term, they learned about Andy Warhol and the POP Art movement.
Kids learn about the biography of Andy Warhol, artist and painter of the Modern Pop Art movement.
Following are some examples of their works completed for their project this last term..

                                                         Grade 2- ART
Learning goal: PRINTMAKING ART 
Why is printmaking important for students?
Printmaking can also develop literacy skills through encouraging critical and expressive use of language in response to the student's observations. Due to the 'hands-on' nature of printmaking, pupils will naturally develop fine motor skills.
Printmaking is a great way for students of all ages to experiment and explore visual art.
Following are some examples of their works completed for their project this last term..

                                              Grade 1- ART

Learning goal: Cubism

Why is it important to learn about Cubism?(Students will learn about the work of Pablo Picasso)
Cubism remains one of the most influential art movements known. It changed a wide range of ideas as far as art was concerned in the 1910s and 1920s. It also allowed for the development of abstract modern art movements. It defied the rules of art and turned out to be one of the greatest breaks in art history.
Following are some examples of their works completed for their project this last term..



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